Tips for choosing Rottweiler dog names

Rottweiler puppies are about the cutest things on four legs, they're like little black bears. But don't choose too 'cutesy' a name for your cutie. Remember that tiny pup will likely weigh anywhere between 80 and 120 lbs in a few short years, and 'Fifi' or 'Peanut' may just sound plain silly then!
It's also a good idea to bear in mind that not everyone understands the Rottweiler, or feels the way you do about this breed. If you call your Rottie pup 'Fang' or 'Killer' you may be helping to reinforce the stereotype, not to mention frighten the neighbors.
Some dog names for your puppies
Male Rottweiler Names
Female Rottweiler Names
Aldo - wise one
Alice - noble
Apollo - Roman God of the sun
Anka - graceful
Arnold - powerful
Bellona - Roman Goddess of War
Axel - peaceful
Berta - bright and strong
Blitz - flash
Erika - ruler
Boris - fighter
Elsa - strength
Brutus - heavy
Erika - ruler
Cato - shrewd
Flora - Roman Goddess of Flowers
Dieter - the peoples' ruler
Frieda - peaceful
Gunther - battle warrior
Gerda - protection
Heinrich - ruler
Gretchen - pearl
Hank - also means 'ruler'
Greta - little pearl
Kaiser - king
Kristel - crystal
Kasper - treasurer
Leni - angel
Klaus - victorious
Leta - glad
Kurt - courteous
Liebe - love
Luther - famous warrior
Lucia - light
Marcius - from the God of Mars
Olga - holy
Maximus - the greatest
Pax - peace
Oskar - spear
Raina - mighty
Otto - prosperous
Schatzie - little sweetheart
Prinz - prince
Viktoria - conqueror
Vulcan - Roman God of Fire
Wilma - bold protector
more names coming soon...
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